Saturday, June 17, 2017

Lopez Island

We are in the vacation mode. The weather turned nicer yesterday so it is possible we won't have to ride in the rain now. Our plans are to Amtrak home on Tuesday. Sorry I couldn't share pictures with you. It is beautiful . Last night we watched bald eagles while the sun set.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 6 Ferry to Friday Harbor

Stayed in Mt Vernon and rode 22 miles to the San Juan ferry terminal. Ferry leaves in 1 hr. to Friday Harbor. We will stay there two days then go to Lopez Island for 2 days. Sorry I cannot get my pictures to post.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Day 5 Elbe to Mt. Vernon, 45 miles

We cycled in the rain to begin the day. It seems like we were taking our raincoats on and off all day. We rode to the Olympia train station and travel to Mount Vernon by train. Tomorrow we will ride to the Anacortes Ferry and spend a few days cycling in the San Juan Islands.

Day 5 Elma to Olympia