Sunday, February 17, 2008

February 17-- Sunday

Hello friends and family: We are at a good internet location so we will add many pictures. We are in Arusha at a nice hotel. We were planning to stay with the family of the Orphanage Foundation Fund (OFF) director--but it was so hot in his home that for health precautions we only stayed one night. We will be here at the East African Hotel until we leave on Wed, 2/20. As you know President Bush has come to Tanzania to visit us also--I am sure he will want to meet us for dinner the night he is in Arusha. We stayed one night in the hotel he will be in -- but not the presidential suite.

We have been seeing many of the orphanages. They are extremely in need of assistance. The workers are amazing in their sacrifices. One couple has a day care for 250 orphans or poverty children of their area. Without their help they would not eat or go to school. The average age is 6. Of course they are all cute! Most of the orphage helpers get no payment. Other orphanages have the small babies up to 2 yrs. My goodness they are cute! But lots of poopy diapers and runny noses. One orphanage (Adventist run) has 35 babies.

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