Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 3: Charleston to Humbug Mt. State Park (54 miles)

We started the day with our 7 Devils Road climb. There are 7+ hills in 12 miles.  Not much traffic. We stopped at the top and chatted with two other bicyclists.  They are both from Portland but not traveling together.  Yesterday we met a young woman who was riding probably twice as fast as we are.

We are camping tonight. Ron is ready when he has his red wine and/or beer and camp wood.  It is a sunny day.  It is very windy on the coast but we are protected here. Tomorrow we will ride to Brookings, about 50 miles.  There is a favorite Mexican restaurant there.


Mrs.Wanek said...
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Mrs.Wanek said...

So I hope he is not a drunk Rider! Love the tent picture. Makes me long for camping too.