Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 1 May 17th: Salem Oregon to Detroit Oregon 60 miles

The weather was perfect. We had coffee at mile 9 with our friends, Nancy and Dean. we are staying at the All seasons motel.  its prime was 1950 but it is clean and has a soft bed.  we arrived before 3 pm.


Adam Espersen said...

Nice pictures, look great. Did the taco night live up to the hype?

Mrs. Wanek said...

Happy first day of travels. Thinking of you guys and praying God's safety and memories galore!

Sharon and Ron said...

So far so good!!

Sharon and Ron said...

Sorry to say they were good but small. It is hard to fill up bikers with 2 bites for 2$.

Karen Espersen said...

Looking for family members. My name is Karen Espersen. My father had 2 brothers Arnold and Elmer. Of you are 1 of my cousins your Dad was Armold and Mom was Sylvia. Our. Grandparents are buried outside of Solvang, Ca? I hope you are I of the 5 from Sandy Oregon?