Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 6: Chipley, Florida 73 miles

We slept well last night in a featherbed. B and B breakfast was a with homemade granola and scones.

The weather was low 30s when we started riding at 7:30. Praise the Lord there was no wind and no rain. The temperature gradually improved and it was beautiful riding weather.

We hit a glitch in Chattahoochee when we missed a turn. Even in looking at the map afterwards it did not look clear. We flagged down a driver for directions and the woman said "hey sugar what do you need?" We had to backtrack--
That cost us about five extra miles.
We made up for the time we lost because we changed time zones. Not as easy to make up for the energy used.

We legitimately could take a rest day,however, we want to keep riding while the weather is so nice.

After eating lunch a couple of guys asked Ron if he was Lance Armstrong --we are not sure if they were serious ha ha.
Sometimes our calories need to come in the form of milkshakes.

You're staying at a Quality Inn. All the hotels were about 2 miles or more off route near the freeway. We are doing laundry which is a very big treat!

We tried to find a full service 
dinner option but there was none in walking distance so we had Wendy's with chili and baked potato.


Unknown said...

So "Sugar" and Lance," huh? Sounds like you're being embraced by the locals:) Sure love keeping track of you two!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures of the scenery of places I've never been. Can't imagine the temps that low either.

Thanks Sugar!