We are following our rest day rule: no bike riding. We woke up to a very rainy/stormy day. We bundled up (see pix of Ron in $1 rain poncho) and walked to a church. Ron was hoping for potluck but no such luck. After church one of the church members gave us a ride to the small mall. The 5 mile walk would have been wet. We needed to get waterproofing for Rons jacket. We got some spray waterproofing and gave his coat and our bike booties a coating. We also bought him rain jacket for $24.95 (Ron is proud of yhr price). We had lunch at the mall and tried calling a taxi but only got an answering machine. So we asked a woman leaving the mall for a ride. She was very nice and said she was previleged that we had asked her. She is a pharmacist and wants to follow our blog. A big thank you to both Elaine and Jolene for the lifts!
There was a small museum at the mall. This area has a buffalo jump where thousands of of bison were killed by stampeding them over a rocky ledge.
Tomorrow we plan to go to Dodson, MT. The weather is suppose to improve. If not we may stay another night in our dorm room.
Look what a dollar can get ya in MT!
Glad you were in from this storm and hopefully tomorrow will be better. Looks like you have a great place to wait it out ...if you don't mind looking down at the TV! And didn't your mother ever teacher to not take rides from strangers!
Well, looks like Ron hasn't lost his knack for bargains :) but maybe he should have picked a different church!
I imagine Sharon is going to have quite a callous on her thumb ringing the bell every 10 miles- better switch fingers!!
Well, looks like Ron hasn't lost his knack for bargains :) but maybe he should have picked a different church!
I imagine Sharon is going to have quite a callous on her thumb ringing the bell every 10 miles- better switch fingers!!
Hi Sharon and Ron,
I am the HR Director at MSUN and we have had some concerns with the cleanliness of the dorms and have even given the $10 nightly fee back to cyclists who have stayed with us.
Was your money returned to you or simply slipped under your dorm room door?
Thanks for your reply.
Kathy Jaynes
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