We were well rested, the weather was cooler, the route was flat and we had a slight tailwind. . .these all helped us to put in our longest day. We intended to stop in Monroeville but we were there by 1 pm and the pavilion where we were going to stay was reserved until 6 pm. So we went 23 more miles and we have a nice room in an inn with 5 rooms.
We had breakfast at the cafe and were riding by 6:30 am. The next spot for food was 45 miles, but it was closed because of Sunday. So we pulled out our peanut butter and bagels and had a picnic. Not too much further we met David and Pata who are cycling from Mass. to Los Angeles. They asked if there was food available in the town we just came from. Because they did not have food with them we gave them bagels and peanut butter, cookies and granola bars. Espersens do not travel without food! We also traded blog addresses. It is fun to follow those we meet.
We stopped at a grocery store for some fruit later in the day. The store employees were excited to hear about our trip. They had been closed last week because they had no electricity (over usage related to the heat caused a lot of outages). The manager offered to give us more fruit and really wanted to help us. We gave them our blog info and phone, etc. He said he was going to call us and tell us we are not going fast enough!
Our mileage total is over 2900. We think we have a little more than 1000 miles more to go to Salem, Mass.
Well. .. our bike riding experiences in Sun River are "tame" compared to yours! (but we still had fun!) Sounds like you're "making an impression" on people during your trip (ha) Congrats on 95 miles--that's what a rest-day can do for ya'
WOW that is a long days ride.Again it is great to hear that God was faithful for protection and provision. (weather, tailwinds and level ground). I will remember you are the people I want to travel with if you always have food! I hope you were able to impart more wisdom from you experience to this other couple beside just traveling with some food. You calculations are about right on your distance to go. Safe travels to you for the last 1000.
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