Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 20: Kalispell to past West Glacier, 54 miles.

We did have some rain, thunder &lightening last night.  We woke to grey sky but no rain.  We dressed for rain but only got sprinkles. We made it to Glacier National Park before noon.  We had lunch and rode our bikes around the park some. Unfortunately the weather hid the mountains.  The forcast for tomorrow was even more overcast with 100% chance of rain.  So we had a huckleberry ice cream and started pedaling again.  We are staying in a cabin 17 miles east.  That will make tomorrow slightly easier since that will be our official "crossing the Rockies" day of aproximately 40 more miles.  We hope to make it to East Glacier by tomorrow evening.


fran said...

Love those photos or Ron and ???
The cabin looked cozy. I'm praying for the "Rockies" portion today. . .

Mrs.Wanek said...

What a cute little cabin!! Thanks for giving us the destination for tomorrow in today's post. That trail Ron is on looks like a nice place to ride. You must ride and be amazed at the artwork of God! I'm not so sure that shoulder looks wide enough thought. Praying safe travels each and every day for you. With the change in times zones I may have to get up earlier for those prayres now!