Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 58: Buffalo to Wabash, Indiana. 65 miles.

We slept very well in the "log cabin".  We had to change our departure tme since we are on EST and sunrise is 6:30.  We left at 6:30 instead of our usual 5:30.

We crossed the Tippecanoe River (check your history books for the significance of that).

The first 40 miles was mild temperature and mostly flat.  Our first food stop was in Denver (Indiana) about 50 miles. We had a 3 mile off road bike trail getting to the town.We ate lasagna and flatbread at a small cafe. There were several people there and our bike ride was the conversation topic.

The last 25 miles had some rolling hills and was hot.  We had to stop and ask for water from a house  since our bottles were dry.  We also carry two platapus bags that hold a liter that we freeze when we are able.  We had drank those also.  We always refill our bottles at the cafe when we stop so we are getting lots of fluids. It was 95 degrees when we arrived at 3 pm.

We are taking a rest day tomorrow.  We will have to change motels since the one we are in is all booked tomorrow with a wedding.  It is a historic hotel in downtown.


The Struchens said...

Oh my, I feel a heat stroke coming on just reading your blog!

Mrs.Wanek said...

Lovely trail photos! Glad you are keeping hydrated, but I'll be the one to ask....were do you pee? LOL No answer necessary. I just got joy out of asking.